Friday, March 25, 2011

Motorcycle rights group: What rights are next?


Motorcycle rights group: What rights are next?

Let’s talk about roadway checkpoints set up in some states that target only motorcycles.

The Supreme Court of the United States has repeatedly made it clear that any roadway checkpoint whose primary purpose is general crime control constitutes an unreasonable search and seizure under the Fourth Amendment and is presumptively unconstitutional.

Currently there is a lawsuit in New York fighting such motorcycle only checkpoints. The State of Georgia has received a $70,000 grant to launch motorcycle only checkpoints in early March. Conveniently, just as Daytona Bike Week is underway. Any motorcycle going through Georgia to Daytona will be affected by these checkpoints. These checkpoints are being funded in the State of Georgia by the Federal Government’s NHTSA.(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) This is an agency that is part of the Executive Branch of the U.S Government, part of the Department of Transportation. Its self described mission is to save lives, prevent injuries and reduce vehicle crashes. Digging deeper into the mission and operating function of the NHTSA you will find absolutely zero basis for their funding of these checkpoints with dollars meant for highway safety. The budget of the NHTSA is over $815 million a year. 78% is on driver safety and 22% is on vehicle safety. Which category does the $70,000 fall into with the checkpoints set up to check for driver’s licenses, registrations, stolen or missing vin numbers, insurance, epa approved mufflers, etc.? Studies show 75% of motorcycle collisions are with another vehicle. Motorcycle equipment failure accounts for less than 3% of crashes; usually a tire blow out. In multiple vehicle crashes failure to yield by a passenger vehicle was the cause in 66%.

The State of Georgia will make the money on any tickets and fines of this federally funded checkpoint and not one life will be saved. The NHTSA seems to miss the point of its own studies. Their studies show that the majority of motorcycle deaths are extreme trauma caused by a collision with a motor vehicle that has violated their right of way. Though there are admittedly many causes for motor vehicle deaths, not many can be fixed by illegal checkpoints targeting certain groups funded by the Federal Government and rewarding participating State’s Treasuries.
I would ask one more time; if groups like ABATE of Florida, Inc and ABATE of Georgia give up the fight for motorcycle rights, which of your rights will be violated next? You don’t have to ride to be affected. Look around and smell the coffee. I ask all of our U.S Representatives and State Representatives to take up the challenge and stop these illegal violations of our rights and indiscriminate re-allocation of funds meant to save lives.

Ride Safe, Free and Especially Aware

Gary ‘Satch’ VerCrouse