Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Houston, TX - IT`S WRONG EVERY TIME !!!!!, Excessive force by police not acceptable; officers must maintain professionalism

 The Following Story By the Chief Of the Houston P.D
Throughout the history of law enforcement in this country, the relationship between a police department and the community it serves has been defined in large part by the manner in which the police protect the public, fair and equitable treatment and the application of coercive force. Recent media coverage of incidents involving a small number of Houston police officers has certainly raised questions about that relationship. When an incident occurs involving a police officer using excessive force, it is wrong the first time and wrong every time. It is unacceptable and will never be tolerated by me, the public and the dedicated men and women who proudly serve the city of Houston with the utmost professionalism on a daily basis.
The public and law enforcement professionals agree and understand there is a higher expectation placed on the conduct of police officers. The Houston police force freely accepts this responsibility. In our free and democratic society, the public has given police officers tremendous authority and power. Police officers have been given the authority to detain, arrest, use coercive force and in extreme circumstances use deadly force to keep the peace while protecting lives. This sacred trust between the police and the public should never be breached. Police officers have a moral and legal obligation to perform in a manner that is beyond reproach and reflects the highest integrity, which they are sworn to uphold.
In a perfect world, individuals who police officers encounter daily would respond in kind, with a cooperative spirit. Houston police officers are trained to use the minimum force necessary to overcome resistance to protect themselves and others. When the resistance stops, coercive force must end.
Police work is inherently dangerous, and this is evidenced by the number of officers killed in the line of duty each year in the United States.
As the chief of the Houston Police Department, I hear and understand the concerns of the community relative to fair and equitable treatment by HPD officers. Growing up as an African-American male in a small East Texas town during the pre-civil rights era, I witnessed firsthand police officers abusing their authority. I will never tolerate this type of behavior on my watch.
Some voices in the community have expressed concern that the inappropriate actions of a very small group of HPD officers are representative of the whole. It is my responsibility to correct any deficiencies that may exist and reassure public trust. During my 33-year career at HPD, I also know that individuals hired today are more culturally and ethnically diverse, more educated and have received more training than those hired in years past. Police officers are human and often face difficult challenges. This is especially true when they are making quick decisions in extremely high-stress situations.
On Feb. 18, Mayor Annise Parker and I announced the establishment of an Independent Police Oversight Board (IPOB), an ombudsman separate from HPD. This will increase police accountability, increase civilian oversight and provide Houstonians with a less intimidating option when filing a complaint alleging police misconduct.
This new initiative will allow citizen input into department hiring, training and discipline methods. It is my desire that all Houstonians take advantage of this window of opportunity by working cooperatively with me and all members of HPD to make the Houston Police Department the best in the nation. The public should rest assured we will keep their neighborhoods safe and all members of HPD will treat them with dignity and respect. We all can agree the goal should be to have a police department that all Houstonians are proud of. I believe the Houston Police Department should and will have citizen input on our hiring practices, training and discipline methods.
I want to applaud the 5,300 HPD officers who have performed their duties in an exemplary manner. Their efforts have contributed to making Houston one of the safest big cities in America. In 2010, violent crime was reduced by 12 percent and property crimes were reduced by 6 percent compared to 2009.
I encourage all officers to continue performing their duties with the pride, dedication and professionalism that they demonstrate on a daily basis. I am convinced that each of them will maintain their moral courage and integrity and help me identify those in our ranks who fail to meet the highest expectations associated with our oath of office and law enforcement code of ethics.

McClelland is chief of the Houston Police Department.