Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Head to Tail - Sizes?

Sent by Mike
First it was airbags, now it's seat belts in the name of motorcycle safety:
 Interesting that the system has elements of
an ejector seat in the mix. When the computer senses that the bike is
irretrievably tipping over it releases the entire seat, with the rider
still attached, and inflates an airbag backrest. The idea is that having
ejected you slide down the road in a sitting position, with the seat
betwixt your hide and the asphalt.

I think the manufacturers of this device should conduct extensive testing of the equipment. In order for this to be reliable, instead of using test dummies, the subjects should be live humans. I suggest the head of NHTSA, NTSB and certain federal legislators would be the best candidates to prove the effectiveness of this device. Afterall, if this is truly a life-saving invention, there should be no hesitation on the part of these influential people to step up and make their point.
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room