Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Australia - Police target Rebels memorial ride – Collector

Police have issued numerous traffic infringement and defect notices after targeting an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang group ride in the state’s south at the weekend.
Officers from Strike Force Raptor conducted a mass vehicle stop of ‘Rebels’ members on Saturday afternoon at Collector as they travelled from Sydney to the ACT for a memorial ride.
Officers from South West Metropolitan Region Highway Patrol, Southern Region Highway Patrol, the Public Order and Riot Squad, the Dog Unit and ACT Police also assisted.
All ninety-five riders and three drivers were breath tested, with police also conducting a number of drug tests and motorcycle compliance checks.
Officers issued 20 traffic infringement notices, 10 defect notices and one criminal infringement notice for offensive language.
They also identified a suspended driver and one rider returned a positive result to a drug test.
Twenty Department of Environment and Climate Control notices were issued for excessive noise.