Wednesday, February 2, 2011

TEXAS: Legislative Day for Texas bikers.

Legislative Day in Texas
Date: 2-23-11
How important is it to talk to your governmental Representatives?

January 24, 2011 was Legislative Day for Texas bikers. My wife Scout and I rode to the Capitol with several thousand other motorcyclists to welcome Representatives to “Our House”.

It’s difficult these days for many of us to afford maintenance on our motorcycle, pay the mortgage or even feed our family, so how could we afford to travel many miles to our state Capitol and speak with our elected officials on Legislative Day? TCOC&I leadership knows that it’s now more important than ever to show our resolve as motorcyclists and as Citizens. To be heard as One Heart & One Voice. How could we afford not to attend if we expect a change for the good of all?

Legislative Day is our day to be heard by our Legislators and allow them to take note of the large number of motorcyclists in Texas. And they do take note. Their aids gather outside the Capitol with pencil, paper and video to count riders as they come up the steps. Every rider’s presence at the Capitol on this day counts for much respect from those who would otherwise vote away our rights.

If you missed out on attending Legislative Day this year, for whatever reason, it’s not too late to still be heard by your Legislators. Please consider getting active right now. TCOC&I regional meetings are posted at their website:

Attend a meeting and join the forces as a US Defender or COIR member. Then watch for the next call to action that will inform our Legislators on how we expect them to represent us on pending bills. Let them know that Texas riders are keeping track of how they vote on bills that will effect our lifestyle. If we all do a little, nobody has to do a lot.
Start planning now to attend Legislative Day in Jan 2013.