Saturday, February 26, 2011

if you're from California, the Legislature needs to hear from you!!

Update: Tell the State Legislature Hands Off the OHV Trust Fund!!Take Action!

Latest proposal would "borrow" millions and cut the OHV Division's operations budget!
As many of you already know, the ongoing state budget crisis has resulted in yet another proposed "loan" from the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) fund. Recent budget committee meetings have outlined a plan to take $22 million of the reserve funds, as well as to cut an additional $27 million from the OHV division's yearly operating budget. This despite that the program uses no general tax revenues and is in fact paid for exclusively through OHV registration and related fuel tax revenues.

These funds are specifically designated to be used for OHV program related expenses and to administer and expand the State Vehicle Recreation Areas (SVRA's) system, not to be "borrowed" from during times of fiscal crisis.

Before another dollar is “borrowed” from this model state program, it first needs to be repaid the $112 million (total) that was "borrowed" in 2008 and 2009. In fact, now is the time to identify those State Park facilities that would be better run by the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division.
Click on the "Take Action" button at the top of this alert to make your voice heard!
My first experience with the AMA and their impotence was in the 80’s. I decided to teach my 6 year old son on how to ride dirt bikes. CA has passed the “green sticker law”; you had to register your bikes for the dirt. The sells pitch was the money would be used to protect and expand off road riding trails. Governor Pete Wilson (the same guy who signed our first helmet law) took the funds out of the off road program to use for something else; probably to add to the retirement plan of the Unions that Governor Brown brought in...30 years ago.
The AMA did the your legislature! Give em hell! If you don’t have a stick..they will just piss on you. The AMA needs to take issues to court, along with asking members to contact their legislature AND they could ask members to donate to a judicial fund.
Yes I am still an AMA member...I like their magazine and the stories about the old fart off road guys from my era. But a rights organization? They need to become the stick. And stop promoting laws that make it easier for the courts and the cops to cite us
Rob Dingman in the last AMA magazine, asked motorcyclist to join him in the battle for our rights. He has got it backwards, we don’t need to join him, he (AMA) needs to join us. And by “us” I mean the bikers/motorcyclist who have been fighting for their rights for 30 years.

Mac Henderson
You are correct, Big. This mentality is a monumental obstacle that we face. Dave has convinced me to join forces with him to attempt detox some of these club boys in our neck of the woods.