Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How NSZ Checkpoints Were Stopped in D.C.

Sent by Dave
here is a way to keep them on there toes, send  your Town,City,State,
each Agency their owncopy of this....:

Just fill in your own 1-5

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept.

3141 Sunrise Ave

Las Vegas, NV 89101

August, 16 2010

Pursuant to the NRS chapter 239, I hereby request the following:

LVMPD written policy regarding internal affairs complaints. See NRS.

NRS 289.055 Establishment and availability of written procedures for investigating complaints and allegations of misconduct. Each agency in this State that employs peace officers shall:

1. Establish written procedures for investigating any complaint or allegation of misconduct made or filed against a peace officer employed by the agency; and

2. Make copies of the written procedures established pursuant to subsection 1 available to the public.

(Added to NRS by 1999, 948)
I also request the following:

1. The number of helmet citations, NRS 486.231 issued in the last 12 months

2. The number of helmet citations contested,

3. The number of helmet citations that went to trial

4. The number of helmet citations that were dismissed when contested.

5. The number of helmet tickets that were successfully prosecuted in trial

NRS 239.030 Furnishing of certified copies of public records. Every officer having custody of public records, the contents of which are not declared by law to be confidential, shall furnish copies certified to be correct to any person who requests them and pays or tenders such fees as may be prescribed for the service of copying and certifying.

[1:73:1909; RL § 2045; NCL § 2976]—(NRS A 1973, 353)

NRS 239.0107 Requests for inspection or copying of public books or records: Actions by governmental entities.

1. Not later than the end of the fifth business day after the date on which the person who has legal custody or control of a public book or record of a governmental entity receives a written request from a person to inspect or copy the public book or record, a governmental entity shall do one of the following, as applicable:

(a) Allow the person to inspect or copy the public book or record.

(b) If the governmental entity does not have legal custody or control of the public book or record, provide to the person, in writing:

(1) Notice of that fact; and

(2) The name and address of the governmental entity that has legal custody or control of the public book or record, if known.

(c) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (d), if the governmental entity is unable to make the public book or record available by the end of the fifth business day after the date on which the person who has legal custody or control of the public book or record received the request, provide to the person, in writing:

(1) Notice of that fact; and

(2) A date and time after which the public book or record will be available for the person to inspect or copy. If the public book or record is not available to the person to inspect or copy by that date and time, the person may inquire regarding the status of the request.

(d) If the governmental entity must deny the person’s request to inspect or copy the public book or record because the public book or record, or a part thereof, is confidential, provide to the person, in writing:

(1) Notice of that fact; and

(2) A citation to the specific statute or other legal authority that makes the public book or record, or a part thereof, confidential.

2. The provisions of this section must not be construed to prohibit an oral request to inspect or copy a public book or record.

(Added to NRS by 2007, 2061)

If your agency does not maintain these public records, please let me know who does. However, if your office maintains any portion of the requested records, provide all segregable portions to which you are able to offer a response. Also, please include with your response the name and address of the proper custodian, where I may write to request the remainder of the records.

If you choose to deny this request or any portion thereof, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. Also, please provide all otherwise non-exempt portions of denied material, redacting confidential or exempted information.
I will pay copying fees in accordance with NRS.

Thank you.

The District of Columbia tried to implement Neighborhood Safety Zones, NSZs (say it out loud: nazi). Here is how they were stopped. I think Dave and I can be plaintiffs in a similar class action suit in Nevada.

They pile on the melodrama here, but look through it to the meat and potatoes of the issue at hand at the arguments raised.