Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Germany - Report: Hells Angels to Challenge Any Bid to Ban Gang in Germany

The Hells Angels will reportedly challenge any legal bid to ban the biker gang in Germany, promising to take the matter as far as the European Court of Justice.
Frank Hanebuth, president of the Hells Angels in Hanover, told Focus Magazine there is no legal basis for such a ban.
"We will defend ourselves with all legal tools and if necessary take it to the European Court of Justice," he said.
Hanebuth, who spearheaded the peace pact with the rival Bandido gang last May, told Germany's The Local that the criminalization of the biker gang was unfair and that comparisons to the Mafia were excessive.
"Do we shoot state prosecutors, judges or politicians? Do we blow up buildings? Do we deal weapons or tons of cocaine? No! We would never do that," Hanebuth told the newspaper.