Sunday, February 27, 2011

Canada - Two Hells Angels jailed

Two Hells Angels members caught up in an undercover sting targeting organized crime have been sentenced to 38 months in prison.
Shane Kirton, 42, and Anthony McLennan, 36, pleaded guilty to participating in a criminal organization.
Kirton and McLennan were among 35 suspects arrested in 2009 and 2010 as part of Project Divide.
As in similar stings, police used a paid criminal agent, Zig-Zag Crew member Michael Satsatin, to trap targets.
Court heard police surveillance captured Kirton and McLennan accepting dues payments for the Zig-Zag Crew, the so called "puppet club" of the Manitoba Hells Angels.
"The money supply allows the (Hells Angels) chapter to grow and grow over time," said Crown attorney Chris Mainella.
Kirton and McLennan each received eight months credit for time served. Justice Glenn Joyal ordered that they serve half of their remaining sentence before they are eligible for parole.