Monday, February 28, 2011

Anti Helmet Choice Testimony in Nebraska

You're right on, I have the same concerns. Our biggest challenge is to discredit NTSB and NHTSA, they are our strongest opponents. They send professional speakers in three piece suits and a wheelbarrow of manipulated statistics . They cherry pick their information and walk the line of down-right lying to convince the legislators about the benefits of helmets. Never once have I heard them say the helmet is only designed and approved for a 13 mph impact. Or that fatalities went up in a state after repeal because of more registered motorcycles on the road. Maybe someone's presentation could directly challenge each one of their typical claims. Supporters of a bill are often heard first, so they could say "you are going to hear from the opponents..... but the fact is......" I think the presentation from Christopher Hart covers most of NTSB's claims and could be used as a guideline to counter them. Warren Woodward, author of Helmet Law Facts did a written response to each of NTSB claims in the past. I have that document if anyone wants it. The following is an example of how Warren discredits Mr. Harts presentation.

John Bland
Christopher A. Hart
Vice Chairman
National Transportation Safety Board
Before The
Transportation and Telecommunications Committee
Nebraska Unicameral Legislature
on Legislative Bill 52
Repeal of Nebraska's Universal Helmet Law
Lincoln, Nebraska
February 14, 2011

Good afternoon Chairman Fischer and members of the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee. It is my pleasure to be here in Lincoln, at the invitation of Senator Lathrop, to discuss the National Transportation Safety Board's recommendation on helmet use laws and therefore our opposition to Legislative Bill (L.B.) 52, a bill that would reduce the safety benefits that are now provided by Nebraska's very sound universal helmet wear law.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is an independent federal agency charged by Congress to investigate transportation accidents, determine their probable cause, and make recommendations to prevent their recurrence. The recommendations that arise from our investigations and safety studies are our most important product.

"Any person or agency getting federal money is not "independent" Warren Woodward, author of Helmet Law Facts.

Motorcycles represent only 3 percent of the 257 million vehicles on our roads, but they account for 13 percent of highways deaths. In 1997, the motorcycle fatality rate per 100,000 registered vehicles was 55.30. By 2007, the rate per 100,000 registered vehicles was 72.48, an increase of 31 percent, with the result that the number of fatalities grew faster than the number of registered motorcycles.

"Cherry-picking" data for the purpose of fear mongering. Going back as for as 1975, 1997 was the low point for fatalities. Had he said "Since 1980...' fatalities would have decreased compared with now." Warren Woodward.

Anti Helmet Choice - Warren Woodward