Friday, January 28, 2011

Washington DC - Rehberg introduces Kids Just Want to Ride Act

Mark Holyoak
Congressman Denny Rehberg believes American kids "just want to ride" so he introduced legislation to prevent the prohibition of lead in youth-sized ATVs, off-road motorcycles and snowmobiles.
The Kids Just Want to Ride Act of 2011 aims to clarify a previous law that, according to Rehberg, misapplied restrictions on lead content to include ATV, motorcycle and snowmobile engines, brakes, wheels and suspension parts.
"Here again, a law meant to improve children's safety is actually being enforced in a way that puts kids in more danger than ever, while destroying jobs to boot," said Rehberg. "It's critical that we put to rest any confusion once and for all so kids can just get outside and ride. There's no excuse for continued bungling that only stops kids from using the very youth-sized off-road vehicles that are intended to keep them safe."
Rehberg joined 22 lawmakers from both parties in the House to introduce the new act. Senator Jon Tester announced plans to introduce similar legislation earlier this week.