Sunday, January 30, 2011

Va. Beach delegate fails in bid to ban kids on motorcycles


Va. Beach delegate fails in bid to ban kids on motorcycles

Posted to: News Politics State Government Traffic and Transportation Virginia
Del. Chris Stolle told a House subcommittee he was just trying to clarify existing child safety law. General Assembly news Blog: Pilot on Politics Citizens Guide: Get involved Bill tracking, links, video Related Bill would stop young children from riding on motorcycles - Jan. 18 Poll Should children younger than 8 be allowed to ride as passengers on motorcycles? Yes 43% (499 votes)

No 54% (624 votes)

Not sure 3% (40 votes)

Total votes: 1163 Background: Restrictions proposed

By Bill Sizemore The Virginian-Pilot © January 29, 2011 RICHMOND

A Virginia Beach lawmaker tried and failed today to prohibit children under 8 from riding on motorcycles.

Del. Chris Stolle, a physician, told a House subcommittee he was just trying to clarify existing law, which requires any child under 8 to be belted into an approved child safety seat when riding in a motor vehicle.

The problem, he said, is that there are no such seats available for motorcycles.

“I can put my child on the back of my motorcycle and say, ’Hang on tight,’ ” said Stolle, a Republican.

Sgt. Scott Wichtendahl of the Virginia Beach Police Department said young children don’t have the strength or dexterity to ride a motorcycle safely.

Matt Danielson, legal counsel to the Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclists, opposing the bill, said there have been no fatalities among children under 8 riding on motorcycles in the past 10 years.

That’s true, Wichtendahl said, but “we’re trying to be proactive and prevent it.”

The subcommittee tabled Stolle’s bill, HB1850, meaning it is unlikely to advance further. Panel members said biker parents should be entrusted with deciding whether their children can ride safely.

A recent Virginian-Pilot story provided the background behind Stolle's bill.