Friday, January 28, 2011

They Be Clubbin'

The Deathtraps Motorcycle Club (DTMC) are a core group of 13 brothers from Nor Cal who wrench on old bikes as well as ride the living piss out of them. DTMC President Jonathan literally blew up his Shovelhead cases and almost himself while pack riding down California's 405 Freeway en route to Long Beach. He was truly living by the DTMC motto: Die to Ride, Ride to Die.
The Deathtraps Motorcycle Club Dtmc Garage View

The DTMC mostly ride older pre-Twin Cam Harleys, but it's not about the bike with these guys. It's about the mind-set. It's about building bikes and the adventure on the road, heading out for a ride with a bedroll and a bottle, not knowing where you'll end up or when you'll get there.
Over the last year they've become more organized with back patches, club bylaws, meetings, prospects, a website, and even merchandise. The DTMC is also into promoting and organizing their own events complete with bands, camping, booze, a raffle, and howling into the night. In a nutshell, the DTMC knows how to do it up right.
So if you see one of the Deathtraps brethren on the side of the road, be sure to stop and help him out. He just might lead you to the next great party, or at least leave a little oil on you. You can also check the DTMC out in cyberspace at: