Monday, January 31, 2011

Profiling Bills to receive hearings by Washington State Legislators

Sent by Donnie
Wash State
The Washington Senate and House has stepped up to schedule seperate hearings on consecutive days next week.
I will be travelling to Olympia in order to testify in favor of passing a law to limit law enforcement from unfairly targeting motorcycists.
The full text of the bills can be seen at; the hearings will be broadcast live online on
There is a lot of support in this years legislature. If the bills pass out of committee, we expect them to land on the Governors desk for signature.
HB1333 - Addressing Motorcycle Profiling has been scheduled for a public hearing in the House Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Committee this coming Tuesday, February 1st at 10am
SB5242 - Addressing Motorcycle Profiling has been scheduled for a public hearing in the Seante Judiciary Committee this coming Wednesday, February 2nd at 1:30pm.