Monday, January 3, 2011

'No Refusal" DUI Blood Test Goes Nationwide funded on Federal Grant Money....

No Refusal" DUI Blood Test Goes Nationwide funded on Federal Grant Money

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution Fourth Article of the Bill of Rights............
I really am coming to the conclusion that the States and M.A.D.D.(Mothers Against Drunk Driving) have taken the issue to use drunk driving too far as a way for the state to raise revenue or to take away our God given rights. This nationwide "No Refusal" blood test violates the fourth amendment of the bill of rights because people should enjoy the right to be secure in their persons from unreasonable searches and seizures. That means "hands off my blood"
The no refusal weekend is funded by Federal Grant money from the National Highway Transportation Safety Board to fund no refusal weekends. Even the Austin Police gets federal Grant Money for taking blood on the side of the road with rubber stamp warrants from a judge who stay up all night who just sign a warrant without seeing the accused.
The issue of drunk driving is chasing away business from downtown night clubs and bars from what little patronage they can get in this stagnant economy. I hear from countless people who used to have a beer and drink after work now stay away from many downtown areas because the police have become a predatory force preying on anyone for revenue.
The issue of Drunk Driving has went way too far. Carrie Lightner left her own organization she founded called Mother Against Drunk Driving because the direction the organization it was taking. She wanted no part of it. I have a problem with "No refusal Weekends"because in Houston Texas is a sanctuary city. How many drunk illegal aliens who have been caught above the legal limit will be allowed to pass through the checkpoints without taking a blood test. If any illegal alien is jabbed with a needle. We will hear cries from the Mexican government for racism.Yes Texas has a high rate of Alcoholic related traffic fatalities. I wonder how many of the percentage is illegal aliens compared to American Citizens.
I think it is time we throw the book at the system. If anyone is accused of driving drunk and the person knows they are not impaired. Exercise the right to a trial by jury and not be at the mercy of a judge who has a business on the side running a Drug and Alcohol School were he sends people to as a punishment. It think it is time to expose the DUI/DWI scam to a jury of our peers. If they just use a video tape. It will be really obvious the state does not meet the burden of proof. I think it is time to use the jury box as a veto against Law Enforcement abusing the system using an emotional issue of Drunk Driving to squeeze revenue out of the people.
I do not trust these crime labs either. If any of you think all crime labs are like the C.S.I. TV Show. I have ocean front property in Round Rock Texas I want to sell you.Crime labs in Texas have been known to botch evidence to get a guilty conviction and the chain of evidence I find very highly questionable with handling blood samples.....
If they were really serious about stopping drunk drivers. The National Highway Transportation Safety Board would work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to start deporting illegal alien Drunk Drivers. We hear nothing on this concern. I say tonight this News Years Eve. Stay home or if at a party.Sleep over or have a place to stay close by. Take a cab or have a designated driver if you decide to go out. Lets make all Drunk Driving stops be all Illegal Aliens. Maybe the police will wake up and see the scam. When see they are not allowed to jab them with a needle but have to take ours. They might have second thoughts....
These no refusal blood test needs to be challenged. The burden of proof lies with the state to justify probable cause if you are drunk or not. Just because they refuse a breathalyzer test because the calibration is out of whack to make everyone guilty if they blow into it will now force us to have our blood drawn without a warrant not knowing the chain of evidence procedure were the risk of samples being tampered is there. Just remember to repeat and say to the officer if they do take your blood for no reason"I do not consent". We must not allow the system to use Drunk Driving as a way to take our liberties and rights away.

Posted by realman2020 at Friday, December 31,

rose4justice said...

The MADD group, in my opinion has become a money making generated business in conjunction with the court system and the prison system - arrests - tickets -fines -penalties - classes - and in-house rehabilitation centers - counseling - psychiatry - lawyers, judges -CPAs, expert witnesses, court personnel and law enforcement officers will be guaranteed job security. The 4th Amendment and other constitutional rights will be re-written so they can deny citizens their constitutional rights as originally intended and written to protect the people, but the people will not be protected by the system, in my opinion. Creating more laws that deny constitutional rights will result in more arrests which generate more money; more control over the masses, and guarantees job security. More people will be put into their computer so they can be easily tracked. The agenda to deny freedoms and liberty to Americans will generate profits for the system. In my opinion, they could keep lists of Americans for specific reasons. They could be conditioning the minds of the government employees so they are trained to view Americans as "Human Capital," and view the constitution, and God as the enemy of the state. They could be setting up a system that causes people to worship the government or deny God as the reason to arrest more Christians and Jews under the Hate Crimes Bill. The government is aware that the economy has been bankrupted when they allowed trillions to be printed and sent every which way except for U.S. jobs and small business expansion. Capitalism has been undermined. U.S. jobs have been outsourced to China and India with the support of the oil companies and our government. The outsourcing that is destroying America and making China and India economically wealthy was begun during the Clinton administration. So, while they keep the borders open to cause Americans to hate the illegal people who come to America to work (not the criminals), they've taken the focus away from themselves and their agendas so that the Mexicans are the focus of all of America's problems. But, it is the banksters, the liberals, socialists, communists, liberal atheists, far left democrats who believe in redistribution of wealth and that the government should control the behaviors of every human being. Our military is being weaked and our defenses have been weakened. Clinton defunded the military as did Obama. Obama and Congress signed the START Treaty and 30 U.S. Generals warned that the START Treaty leave the Southern part of America vulnerable to attack. Corporations have moved out of the U.S. and public servants have homes in foreign nations as well as bank accounts. The only quick revenue and the only way to control the masses when the bubble bursts will be early arrests and re-writing laws that trample on our constitutional rights such as the 4th Amendment - gun rights, freedom of speech and freedom of religion, which is already being targeted under the Hate Crimes Bill. They could be plannng on generating money by keeping the prison beds filled, fining Americans, threatening Americans with radiation or a choice of having a naked photo and intrusive private part pat down in violation of the 4th Amendment or don't fly and be punished. Every American needs to empower themselves with knowledge and that's why I wrote the book, "Fight Back Legal Abuse" which includes 25 years of information for educational purposes only as well as self-help for people who want to help themselves from becoming victims as every American will need this information. Almost every American will have some contact with the legal system as they are spied upon and their freedoms diminished. Also, a percentage from each sale is donated to help the homeless through "Habitat for Humanity" by the publisher. People won't get this information from a lawyer or a law book.