Friday, January 14, 2011

Las Vegas - Checkpoint tonight FLAMINGO AND BOULDER HIGHWAY

BY Tigerlily
Will you please forward this note to our ABATE members. The story below says the checkpoint will be at Sahara and Boulder Highway, but Dave has confirmed with Metro that it will be held at Flamingo and Boulder.
RSS News Feed Post from KTNV
Metro is stepping up their forces to keep drivers safe..
Tonight from seven until three, patrol cars will be out conducting a sobriety checkpoint in the area of Sahara and Boulder Highway.

Full Story...
From TigerLily: These checkpoints are CONSENSUAL, which means that they can only mess with you if you consent. If you consent to a search of your vehicle and/or your person and they find something - anything - you'll either be given a ticket or arrested. NEVER CONSENT EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE. You don't know if your kid left a bag of weed in your car, or if your wife left a few vicoden in a baggie to take to work.
If they lie to you and say they smell alcohol, do not resist. Let them do what they want BUT MAKE IT FOR CERTAIN THAT THEY ARE DOING THIS AGAINST YOUR WILL. Get their names and badge #'s - and per Metro policy, if you ask for a lawyer they cannot ask you any more questions.
Let's not make it easy for them to violate our rights. Dave and I and others will be there tonight with our cameras and our vids.
Below is a you-tube on how to safely not consent. The more people exercise their right not to consent to these checkpoints, the faster we will get rid of these unconstitutional checkpoints. And we need to practice these skills because it's just a matter of time before we motorcyclists will be subjected to motorcycle-only checkpoints.
Attached is a copy of what the guy in the movie (Tim) showed the cop. He will be there tonight.
btw, This checkpoint will be the most vile one yet because they are going to do it in a construction zone. So since we've been seeing cones there, a lot of citizens will be caught off guard. And will all violations cost us double because they are using a construction zone?
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