Sunday, January 2, 2011

Is this legal in California?

Is this legal in California?
I have an old fashioned dingle bell on my bicycles and electric scooters to let people know I'm coming. But we know Loud Pipes Save lives. Now you can get them for your younguns or grandkids to put on their bikes. And they are 20 bucks at We Be Toys and Stuff. I'm lookin the next time I'm in Wally World. Bet I'll see some kids with them soon.
Hickory Doc  
The way things are going, I may need to put one on my Harley...just have to get a spoke rim for the rear wheel

V C Section 27000 Horns or Warning Devices
Horns or Warning Devices

27000. (a) A motor vehicle, when operated upon a highway, shall be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200 feet, but no horn shall emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound.
The bell would be legal in addition to a legal horn.

John Del Santo

Let's send a set to every kid in Senator Pavley's neighborhood.
Douglas Findlay