Thursday, January 13, 2011

Canada - Ottawa bomb suspect denies Hells link

OTTAWA - The man stopped by police in downtown Ottawa with a bomb in the car says he's no Hells Angel.
Chad Baillargeon said from jail Friday his life - and the lives of his ex-wife and sons - are in jeopardy because of published reports tying him to the notorious Hells Angels motorcycle crime organization.
Friday night, Baillargeon called QMI Agency to flatly deny he was a member, saying while he's made mistakes in his life, one of them wasn't joining the Angels.
Baillargeon, 35, was arrested Jan. 4 after being pulled over in a Glebe traffic stop in downtown Ottawa. He was brought up on five weapons charges Thursday after a brief court appearance on two unrelated weapons charges.
Baillargeon said he's being kept in segregation from the rest of the inmates at the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre for his safety because of the Hells claims that have appeared in the media.
"I'm the guy sitting in here right now and I just want to know who's saying this about me," Baillargeon demanded.
Baillargeon also stressed the explosive, which he said was powerful enough to blow up a 3,000-square foot house, was never going to be used to hurt anyone else.
"If it was going to be used, I would've used it on myself. I just didn't know what to do with it, that's why it was in the trunk. I'm not a terrorist."
Baillargeon said his family and other friends have received threatening calls due to accounts that have alleged he has connections with organized crime.
"I have two kids," he said with a shaky voice. "You're putting my children's lives in danger by saying it.
Baillargeon said he intends to plead guilty to numerous charges of possession of explosives and a weapon as soon as possible to minimize the hurt he has inflicted on his family.
"I just want to put my kids' minds at ease. I talked to my ex-wife today. She's very upset and she's very hurt."
He refused to confirm or deny reports he has been diagnosed with cancer. "It's my personal business," he said.
Baillargeon said he hasn't seen his kids for a year because he can't afford child support and added he was evicted from an apartment he shared with his girlfriend a week before Christmas.
Baillargeo n is well known to police with a laundry list of convictions to his name, including aggravated assault, break-and-enter and theft.