Friday, January 28, 2011

Australia - Bikie figures don't lie, says Rann

FIGURES revealed by Premier Mike Rann show police have arrested or reported 210 bikie gang members since 2007.
The figures revealed yesterday by Mr Rann - copied below - also show police have arrested or reported 570 bikie gang associates, issued 217 licensed premises barring orders and 23 firearms prohibition orders since November 2007.
Mr Rann gave the figures as both he and Police Commissioner Mal Hyde hosed down speculation yesterday about a rift over the threat posed by outlaw bikie gangs in South Australia.
The speculation has again raised the issue of whether SA's anti-bikie laws are effective, with the Opposition reiterating they had only supported the bikie control legislation because police had urged them to.
Mr Rann said police had seized 33,245 street deals involving amphetamines, 63,061 of cannabis, 10,063 of ecstasy and 8481 of other drugs. In related crimes, police had seized 65 pistols, 132 other firearms and more than $1.25 million in cash.

"The figures do not lie," Mr Rann said.
Mr Hyde was quoted in a book interview as saying that a great deal of public concerns about bikie-related crime did not necessarily match the level of serious crime being committed.
He said yesterday he was quoted correctly, but his comments were not meant to downplay the bikie problem.
"Bikies ... are a serious problem here in South Australia and they are a high priority for police action," he said.
"It was more to put it into perspective that some people's perceptions are not necessarily accurate, either for or against the problem with bikies.
"In fact, an Australian Institute of Criminology study recently showed only 10 per cent of the community, right across Australia, have an accurate perception of crime."
Mr Rann said there was no suggestion the Government had "over-egged" the bikie situation in SA. He and Mr Hyde had been "totally at one on bikie legislation" and there was no conflict.
"I mean, the fact of the matter is this is a threat to our society and if people want weaker laws or weaker action against bikies, vote for the Liberals because we've seen where they stand on these issues," he said.
Opposition Leader Isobel Redmond said while bikies were clearly a concern, Mr Rann's overstatement of the issue had created a fear which exceeded the reality.
Law expert Andrew Lynch, Associate Professor of Law at the University of NSW, said it was difficult to understand how Police Commissioner Mal Hyde could suggest the community had overrated the threat of outlaw motorbike club members when South Australia had legislated "extraordinary" anti-bikie laws.
Prof Lynch said SA's controversial Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act had elements of anti-terrorism laws.
"The (South Australian) laws are extraordinary and you can only think you would devise extraordinary laws if the section of the community these laws target, cannot be adequately policed using ordinary criminal laws," Prof Lynch said.
"It's difficult to say we exaggerate the threat of bikies when we have a need for these laws."

THERE are at present seven outlaw motorcycle gangs operating in South Australia.
Between November 1, 2007, and September 30, 2010, the Crime Gangs Task Force, supported by the toughest legislation in the country, has been responsible for the arrest or reporting of 211 outlaw motorcycle gang members and 570 associates.
Police have issued 217 barring orders from licensed premises and 23 firearms prohibition orders.
They have stopped 33,245 street deals involving amphetamines, 63,061 involving cannabis, 10,063 involving ecstasy and 8481 involving other drugs. They have seized 65 pistols, 132 other firearms and more than $1.25m in cash.
The figures do not lie. That's why we doubled the size of the Crime Gangs Task Force to 44 officers.
South Australians should be under no illusion.
Bikie gang members have been involved in murder, shoot-outs, bombings, bashings and selling drugs to our kids.
I make no apology for giving the police the laws and resources they asked for to combat this menace.