Saturday, January 15, 2011

Announcement: Liberty_Radio - internet radio shows include Bikers USA and Grassroots USA

Jan is,
Announcing:  Liberty Radio  aka  Liberty Network
Monday nights - Bikers USA 9pm EST
Wednesday nights - Grassroots USA 9pm EST

I've sent it around to a few folks, but for publication here is a better swipe at it. Any help in promoting it would be nice, because these kind of shows are better when there are a few people to call in. Thanks Rogue! Maybe I'll hand the keys over to a brother or sister from BOLT to host another show such as Guerrilla Lawfare one or two nights per week. We can talk about it.

Practice runs are scheduled for an hour in the afternoon, Friday and this weekend, at 2pm for anyone who would like to join me and discuss plans. A few guest co-hosts who can swap turns with each other would be VERY welcome. I am especially looking for co-hosts who feel free to say they disagree and present their perspectives. I think that makes a dialogue much more interesting.
I am using my author pseudonym, Liberty Fairbanks, because I am also doing a Grassroots show on Wednesdays, and will be using the same account.
Note to John Florio, Charlie Baker, Charlie Brechtel, and any other musicians. I love your music and love promoting it. I plan to set up a musicians showcase to promote indy music and interview musicians on some other night. I'm hoping to promote your awesome music on all shows. As part of the showcase, I hope to host a songwriters clinic as well. Your input, such as the best night to schedule it, and any other input or assistance would be awesome and appreciated.
1/14/2011 2:00 PMBikers USA Practice Run
1/15/2011 2:00 PMBikers USA Practice Run
1/16/2011 2:00 PMBikers USA Practice Run
1/17/2011 9:00 PMBikers USA
1/19/2011 9:00 PMGrassroots USA
Current EventsMature120
1/24/2011 9:00 PMBikers USA
1/26/2011 9:00 PMGrassroots USA
1/31/2011 9:00 PMBikers USA
The schedule is subject to change, as I do not want to have a competing biker focused show on at the same time as any of my biker friends. Hey, I like being a visitor on their shows and networking with them! Internet radio is global, and the way to go!Announcing the Liberty Network