Saturday, January 15, 2011


Sent By John

ABATE of California.....


ABATE supported the establishment and the expansion of the aware-winning California Motorckycle Safety Program (CMSP) and holds a permanent seat on the CMSP Advisory Committee.
ABATE has been a driving force in promoting "May as Motorcycle Awareness Month" not only at the State Level but also in cities and communities.
AB-1581 - Fuller- ABATE lobbied aggressively to repeal Section 2140.5VC (traffic actuated signals for bicycles & motorcycles) Approved by Gov. Schwarzenegger 10/8/2007.
SB-1021 -Bowen- ABATE lobbied aggressively to increase the penalties on Right-of-Way (ROW) violations that result iln Bodily Injuries/Fatalities to a motorcyclist. Approved by Gov. Schwarzenegger 9/30/2006. Chapter 898.
ABATE helped to open High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes to motorcycles.
ABATE helped to defeat two separate bills to outlaw "lane-sharing".
February 2010 - Changeable Message Boards posted on Freeways and Highways throughout the state of CA. to alert drivers to "Share the Road - Look Twice for Motorcycles".
AB-2844 - La Suer - ABATE was instrumental in the passage of the motorcycle standard Handlebar height. CVC section 27801 section1 (a), (b) Approved by Gov. Schwarzenegger 8/23/2004.
ABATE successfully challenged the San Diego Police Dept over enforcement of the helmet law in federal court. (Case #93-0807-j) (CM) filed 5/25/1995.
ABATE was the driving force that prevented helmet law violations from being assessed against the driver's license as a moving violation.
AB-1205 - Logue- 2009 Assembly Bill sponsored by ABATE of California. The latest of 14 ABATE Bills since 1993 to repeal or modify California's Mandatory Motorcycle Helmet Law.
ABATE was instrumental in getting approval for Purple Heart motorcycle plates.
AB-1515 -Margett & SB2084 -Polanco (concurrant Bills) ABATE worked on the passage of Veteran's License Plates for Motorcycles. Both bills approved by Gov Gray Davis in 2000. AB-1515-Chapter 859, SB2084 - Chapter 861.
ABATE Locals are involved with collecting money for charities and those in need. Tons of food and truckloads of toys are also donated each year at Thanksgiving and Christmas, working in partnershlip with community charity organizations.
ABATE asisted in the defeat of a proposed federal ban on Sport Bikes.
ABATE joined other MRO's (Motorcycle Rights Organizations) to lobby the insurance industry, putting an end to their "Superbike Blacklist" of high performance bikes that they refused to insure.
ABATE supported the passage of HR-3103 iln 1996, which prohibits discrimination against motorcyclists in health care availability and affordability.
ABATE worked alongside virtually every national and state Motorcycle Rights Organilzation and lobbied Congress aggressively to sucessfully repeal federal highway funding penalties against states without helmet laws.
SMOG Bill to a NOISE Bill - SB435 Pavely - ABATE was instrumental in completely defeating the original motorcycle smog check provisions in the California Senate in 2009, generating over 36,000 petition signatures in Opposition. ABATE then worked to weaken later amendments to increase penalties for modified exhaust systems. Signed by Gov. Schwarzenegger 9/28/2010 (takes effect 1/1/2013).
ABATE worked on this original bill constantly to gt ilt changed to the final outcome and what was ultimately signed by Gov. Schwarzenegger on 9/28/2010 (Takes effect 1/1/2013).
AB-1848 - Garrick - Motorcycle theft - ABATE supported, to close sloopholes in the law. Amending section 466.65 Penal Code. Signed by Gov Schwarzenegger 7/19/2010.
ABATE's political arm ABATE PAC, has trained and organized campaign volunteers to assist in the campaigns of candidates suuportive of motorcyclist's Rights, which has raised the visibillity and credibility of California motorcyclists with local, state, and federal politicians.
ABATE of California is a Motorcyclist's Rights Organization dedicated to perserving individual freedom and promoting safety. We fully support rider training, safety and educational programs.
ABATE is non-partisan and welcomes all riders. We give those with a strong interest in motorcycling an opportunity to unite and become part of one of California's strongest motorcycle organizations.
John Del Santo