Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Scotland, Violent motorcycle gxxgs from Eastern Europe may be targetting Scotland, expert cop warns..

Fuckin Wankers...
Since both 81 and OL have chapters in England, why would chapters in Eastern Europe have to make any move to establish chapters in Scotland which is physically attached to England? Fucking cops don't know shit and should keep their cocksuckers shut!
BY: Paul O'Hare
VIOLENT motorcycle gangs from eastern Europe are heading to Scotland in a bid to seize control of the drugs trade.
Police have warned that Hells Angels and rival gangs such as the Bandidos and Outlaws plan to bring their brand of terror to Scotland.
Bike gangs from Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Greece and the Czech Republic believe Scot land is an "untapped market".
Yesterday, Detective Sergeant David Wilson - Scottish liaison to the Europeal police agency Europol - warned: "They are the Mafia in leather jackets.
"They a real worldwide network that can supply drugs and firearms.
"The gangs are involved in prostitution and extortion and they will control a town."
Wilson, based at Europol HQ in The Hague, revealed: "There is probably about 500 of these gxxgs in Europe.
"They have not hit the UK or Scotland - but it is probably only a matter of time before they do."
The team at Europol gave the Record unprecedented access to their headquarters in the Hague, Holland, to witness firsthand their war on the underworld.
One of their main tasks is identifying the criminal threats of the future - and biker gangs are one of their key concerns.
Europol director general Rob Wainwright said: "These gxxgs are certainly responsible for a large amount of criminal activity and in some cases a very serious criminal activity, including drug trafficking.
"There are many investigations which show these gangs are using affiliation as a cover for criminal activity."
Wainwright said the spread of the bike gangs in south east Europe was significant.
He added: "In the UK, the picture has not changed yet.
"But they have an infrastructure already in the UK and I would expect them to treat that as a natural opportunity.
"We have put it on the radar of UK policing as a particular problem coming up."
'Europol have a workfile manned by some of the world's top analysts dedicated to biker gangs.
DS Wilson, the Scottish Crime & Drug Enforcement Agency's UK liaison officer at Europol, said groups such as the Hells Angels, Bandidos and Outlaws are involved in all levels of criminality.
He said: "They are not taken seriously in the UK at the moment but because they have a network from America to South America and from South Africa to Australia, it is a worldwide set-up.
"There are Hells Angels chapters in the south coast of England and Channel Islands.
"There is nothing to say that this problem is not going to happen to Scotland in the future."
In the last three years, 120 new Hells Angels chapters have appeared across Europe - half of them in south east Europe.
Europol analysts have detected significant expansions in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Poland and even Turkey.
Wilson said: "They profit from drugs and extortion and they are also very public in what they do.
"But because they have a network which spawns right across the Atlantic, to a certain extent, it is a secure network.
"They have their own systems in place and their own trust.
"They only deal with certain people that are already members of these gangs.
"To join these gangs is a long, complicated process. That allows them to move drugs, firearms etc wherever they want. To disrupt them it is very, very difficult."
Wilson said the most obvious way for them to gain a foothold here would be for the Hells Angels to adopt - or "patch over" - a Scottish motorbike gang as a "franchise".
He added: "You can't argue with what has happened elsewhere in Europe."
In August 2007, motorbike gangs hit the headlines after Hells Angel Gerry Tobin was shot dead on the M40 in Warwickshire.
Tobin, 35, from Mottingham, south-east London, was gunned down as he returned from the Bulldog Bash biker festival.
Seven men were later convicted of his murder.
During the trial, jurors heard Tobin was targeted by the South Warwickshire chapter of The Outlaws, a rival gang to the Hells Angels, because he was a "fully patched" - meaning fully-initiated - member of the Hells Angels.
Two bullets were fired at him from a Rover car which pulled up alongside him on the M40.
Prosecutor David Robinson said the killing was a "carefully and ruthlessly planned ambush".
He said Tobin was not targeted for personal reasons - but because he was a member of rival gang.