Friday, December 24, 2010

NEW YORK: NYS Governor's Traffic Safety Committee

NYS Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
FFY 2011 Grants Awarded
PDF 29 pages:

Grants awarded for:
Impaired Driving, "Buckle Up NY, Community Program, Child Passenger
Safety, Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety, Roadway Safety, School Bus Safety,
Selective Traffic Enforcement, Motorcycle Safety, Occupant Protection,
Planning and Administration, Traffic Records.

Motorcycle Safety ONLY:
Herkimer Village Police Department -- MC -- Program -- $7,200
Ontario County Sheriff's Office -- MC -- Motorcycle Safety
Traffic Initiative-- $7,600
Suffolk County Police Department -- MC -- Motorcycle Safety Enforcement
and Education 2011-- $30,500
Warren County Sheriff's Office -- MC -- Motorcycle Safety Initiative --
NYS Department of Motor Vehicles -- MC -- Motorcycle Safety Awareness
and Training --$22,150
New York State Police -- MC -- Initiative -- $167,395

PDF 90 pages:

Full section on Motorcycle Safety:
Pages 31- 38:
Information on "motorcycle only checkpoints" ONLY:

A new law enforcement training initiative was also undertaken in the
past year. The New York State Police and the Law Enforcement Liaisons
from the NYS Association of Chiefs of Police and the NYS Sheriffs'
Association with assistance from DMV's MSP presented regional motorcycle
safety training programs for law enforcement officers. More than 250 law
enforcement officers and motorcycle safety advocates attended these
programs which were held at eight locations around the state. The
hands-on instruction provided officers, especially those assigned to
patrol duties, with the knowledge and skills to educate motorcyclists
and the public on motorcycle safety and to enhance enforcement efforts
in New York State.

In the coming year, the GTSC will continue to coordinate, support and
administer enforcement initiatives and education and awareness programs
that are key components of New York's comprehensive motorcycle safety
program. These initiatives augment the MSP and enhance New York's
efforts to reduce motorcycle crashes, fatalities and injuries.


Motorcycle Enforcement Checkpoints
Motorcycle safety checkpoints will be deployed in strategic locations to
check for license and registration violations, non-compliant helmets,
faulty or illegal equipment and other violations. Variable message signs
and other methods including aerial enforcement may be used to ensure
mandatory compliance with the checkpoint. The checkpoints may also be
used in conjunction with PI&E and research initiatives.

Officer Training and Local Enforcement
Police officer training on motorcycle enforcement issues and techniques
will be conducted. The training will focus on safety violations such as
unapproved helmets, equipment violations such as tires and lighting, and
altered motorcycles, especially those with loud exhaust systems. Trained
officers will be deployed to enforce these laws and issue tickets to
Motorcycle Enforcement Training
The New York State Police and the Law Enforcement Liaison from the NYS
Association of Chiefs of Police will again partner in presenting the
Practical Guidelines for Motorcycle Enforcement training program. This
innovative and specialized training curriculum was designed to present
practical and comprehensive information on motorcycle safety and
motorcycle laws. The hands-on instruction provides officers, especially
those assigned to patrol duties, with the knowledge and skills to
educate motorcyclists and the public on motorcycle safety and to also
enhance the enforcement of motorcycle laws in New York State. In
addition to law enforcement, instructors from the MSF and other traffic
safety partners will benefit from this training. The training program is
supported by the GTSC and the MSP.
New York Freedom Riders
Riders Against Constitutional Erosion
"Freedom Is NOT A Spectator Sport"