Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Last Night's Activism

This is some serious activism....

From Tim - Gun Activist and Guerrilla Lawfare member http://forum.guerrillalawfare.com/index.php?board=23.0

See how quickly he got the word out on Guerrilla Lawfare - literally minutes after the encounter!

"Tonight I went for a quick drive down town. I heard on the radio a Code Red for a 413 (man with a gun). The dispatcher goes on to explain that the man with a gun is being cooperative, but more officers are requested. A total of 9 showed up. For a cooperative man with a gun.
So of course, I knew I had to jump to action and I drove to the scene as quickly as I could. I parked 40-50 ft away from the officers so they didn't think I was trying to interfere. I stayed in my car and I filmed for a few minutes.
They winded up arresting the guy for who knows what, and they didn't appear to be doing anything wrong (other than overreacting perhaps), so I shut off the camera and left. I almost deleted the video since the content was worthless. I'm glad I didn't, because 5 minutes later, I was listening to another radio channel (no longer downtown) when I heard this city-wide broadcast:

Units, broadcast for officer safety.

Reference a 413 on downtown, 1740 Fremont, 7-11, break.

Subject in a red Ford Focus bearing Nevada Plate (my plate).

Was filming the officers while on the 413, break.

It shows a Timothy (my full name) with an address in Northwest.

Also has CCW permit two times, no further.

So just when in the hell did filming become such a danger to officer safety? So dangerous that they needed an immediate city-wide broadcast with my name, vehicle description, and license plate number? After I heard the broadcast, I noticed two patrol cars following me. I pulled over quickly and hopped out with my video camera, but they sped off and were gone before I could start recording.

I put this into a video. Take a look, it's less than 2 minutes: