Tuesday, December 28, 2010

KENTUCKY: This years Ride for Freedom 2011 will be May 25 till May 28th.

This years Ride for Freedom 2011 will be May 25 till May 28th. Everyone is
 welcome to be a part of bringing attention to our live abandoned American
 POWs and our POW/MIAs from all wars, past and present.

 Danny "Greasy" Belcher, Executive Director
 Task Force Omega of KY Inc.
 Vietnam Infantry Sgt. 68-69
 "D" Troop 7th Sqdn. 1st Air Cav.

Task Force Omega of KY Inc.
1206 Planck Rd.
Flemingsburg, KY 41041

I hope by you receiving this letter that you are a person who cares about
live American Prisoners of War being abandoned after our wars. Most
recently, Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdahl, Afghanistan Prisoner of War captured on
June 30, 2009, was seen alive in a video released by the Tailban. The
Taliban stated they would trade Pfc. Bergdahl for Taliban prisoners being
held by the U.S. The United States government stated they do not negotiate
with terrorists, yet soon after, Russian spies were traded for American
spies and tremendous efforts were made to free hikers imprisoned in Iran.
I believe our Task Force Omega of KY, Inc. copyrighted slogan says it all,
"Prove they died, or admit they live, but bring them home". All we are
asking for is the truth and our POW/MIA's brought home at any cost. Live
ones first, and then the remains of those who have perished. We also need
to know how they died.
I hope you are planning on going with us on our Annual Ride for Freedom to
LZ Rainelle/WV Veteran's Reunion in Rainelle, WV, where we will spend a
very patriotic weekend. This is our seventh year to stay in Rainelle for
LZ Rainelle. For the first 17 years of the Ride for Freedom, starting in
1988, we went to Washington, D.C. Rolling Thunder founder, Ray Manzo,
wanted a major rally in different towns across the country to draw
attention to our abandoned POW/MIAs. This year's ride will be in memory of
John "Top" Holland, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, infantry veteran. He worked
with Ray Manzo on the first Rolling Thunder. He helped pay for the first
eight years of the Rolling Thunder Rally in Washington, D.C. After his
death, we found out he had mortgaged the family farm to fund this. John's
family will be joining us in Rainelle this year to spread John's ashes
there. There will be a celebration of John's life at the family farm on
July 15-17, 2011. For more information on the celebration, go to
http://www.greasyonline.com/ and look under meeting and events.

Everyone is welcome to come to Kentucky and travel with us, by any means,
i.e. motorcycle, car, truck, etc., or meet us anywhere along the route.
You do not need to be a veteran, ride a motorcycle, or belong to any
organization or club. It is not about the motorcycles, leather, or even
being a veteran, even though a lot of us are veterans and ride. It is
about the POW/MIAs. If you care and want to do something for our POW/
MIAs, then go with us. We have a breakdown truck, made possible by Task
Force Omega of KY, Inc., and donations from others. If you want to help,
donations may be sent to Task Force Omega of KY, Inc., at the address
above. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, so your donation is tax
deductible. If you are riding a motorcycle and break down, we will bring
you back to anywhere between Rainelle, WV, and Louisville, KY, for no
charge. There is no charge to go, just cover your gas, room and personal

We will not have road guards. Police and other vehicles help us along the
route. Read all of the road safety information on the back of the flyer.
Please follow these safety guidelines if you are going with us. We must
keep everyone safe or we cannot tell others about our POW/MIAs being
unaccounted for. We do not want to make other motorists on the road mad,
as we need everyone's support on the POW/MIA issue. All exits, times, and
other information, are on the flyer. I will lead the group. Everyone else,
just follow and enjoy the ride, because you will be a minority. You will
be an American that cares and are not afraid to show it.

Yes, we can make a difference. We helped pass "The Persian Gulf War
POW/MIA Accountability Act" (Public Law 107-258), which will give
protection to certain foreign nationals and their family if they assist
rescuing a live American Prisoner of War. This law applies to ANY FUTURE
CONFLICT. The man who helped rescue Iraq POW Jessica Lynch and his family
were protected due to this legislation.
For Honor and Freedom
Danny "Greasy" Belcher, Executive Director
Web-Site: http://www.greasyonline.com/ . E-mail: tfogreasy@windstream.net