Thursday, December 2, 2010

IMPORTANT MESSAGE,On November 16, President Obama made it clear that he wants the Congress to pass the DREAM Act amnesty....

To all.... granted the info below is not specifically biker related; however we bikers are citizens, and IT IS CITIZEN related!Please read on, and if this offends anybody I apologize.... but from the discussions I've had with most readers... we're on the same page..... so... read on, please...

On November 16, President Obama made it clear that he wants the Congress to pass the DREAM Act amnesty during the lame duck session of Congress. With more pro-enforcement Representatives gaining seats in the next Congress, the President knows this is the best opportunity he'll have for at least 2 years to force an unwanted illegal alien amnesty on the American public.
This decision by the President to continue to push this unpopular shows a lack of leadership, and complete disregard for unemployed Americans struggling to find jobs. Please don't delay. Send this critical message to the President today, asking him to rethink his amnesty agenda. Other NumbersUSA members have already paid for this fax, so there is no cost to you.
Text of Fax Below:
"Dear President Obama,
The American people proved on November 2nd that we are sick and tired of the government's refusal to address the current jobs depression. With this in mind, why are you continuing to push the DREAM Act amnesty?
It is truly disappointing that supporters of the DREAM amnesty continue to mislead the public by talking about a small group of teenaged students who shouldn't be punished for the sins of their parents who supposedly brought them to the U.S. as young children. In actuality, the bill covers at least 2 million illegal aliens up to age 35, even if they came after childhood, and it allows them to petition for their parents to get permanent work permits. Simply put, this is not a small amnesty for "innocent" youths.
On November 2nd, the American people made it loud and clear that we care more about one thing than anything else: jobs. And you think you can create jobs for unemployed Americans by supporting a mass amnesty bill? I might be wrong, but I think something might be off with your reasoning.
I urge you to do the right thing for the American people and urge Sen. Reid and Rep. Pelosi to stand down and not push the DREAM Act amnesty during the lame duck session of Congress. In doing so, you would prove you care about the wishes and welfare of the American people.
(Your Name Will Appear Here)"