Wednesday, December 29, 2010

House Checks?

I found this interesting bit of info:
At least in the Las Vegas Metro area, the LVMPD would be THE ABSOLUTE LAST PEOPLE I would call upon to check my house.
Whatever happened to neighborhood watches? And could this be another means to convince citizens that we need more government to protect us?

I posted this message on our GL site.


The Pinellas County Sheriff's Office offers house checks while you are away from your home for an extended period of time. To sign up for this service you need to provide the following information:
•The date you will be leaving and the date of your return (if you are a seasonal resident, please estimate your return).
•The address for the house check.
•The homeowner's name.
•The phone number to reach the homeowner while away.
•The address of your destination.
•A phone number and address for a local contact (family member, neighbor, etc.)
•Please share whether or not someone else will have access to your home, if you will leave lights or TV on or on a timer, if you have pets on the premesis, and if you have lawn maintenance.

Please call (727) 582-6177 to schedule your house checks