Wednesday, December 22, 2010

From Ohio

Sent by Rogue
I have been receiving these e-mails from Senator Brown and have yet to reply because I do not live in OHIO.
U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown would like to hear from you and let you know about the issues before the United States Senate that are vital to you and your family.
Communicating by email is a fast and efficient way to learn more about what is going on during these significant times, and will provide timely information about news that is important to you and your community.
Using email is part of Senator Brown's ongoing effort to keep Ohioans informed about the latest news and how upcoming issues will affect all of us.
Thank you for your time.
Senator Sherrod Brown
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Do they supply an email address that you can respond directly to the Senator without going through their contact form? I suspect they send it to you with a no-reply kind of email address, in which case, it seems fair that you send them your contact form...
We don't have any BOLT members in Ohio. If we did, it might be valuable to know that they want to talk with a biker.

I do not have a e-mail that goes directly to the Senator. I suspect one could be had if needed though.
Here are some comments from people on a forum I am on.
Scott Kartak commented on your post in BIKERS PROTEST.
Scott Kartak 2:19am Dec 21
How refreshing.I hope his views are not just political rhetoric.
Comment History Harry George 11:02pm Dec 20
Have met with the Senator many times and have found him to be the rarest of Congressional advocate of his constituents views.
Scott Kartak 8:53pm Dec 20
Thanks for the infrmation John,I will encourage all my riding friends here in Ohio to make the best possible use of it.
Freddywithay Schulz 6:16pm Dec 20
The Senator ( Then Congressman ) was also a supporter of MC Rider Anti-Discrimination language when the HIPPA Bill was being marked up in 96'. He even attended a fundraiser ABATE held for a couple injured in an MC wreck who had insurance that did not cover the medical expenses/
Freddywithay Schulz 6:09pm Dec 20
You may want make it C/O Senior Legislative Adviser Doug Babcock if it MC rights related as he is familiar with our issues. We appealed to then Congressman Brown to change his mind on mandatory helmet laws and Co-Sponsor HR 799 (repeal bill) in 95' (see pics ) But he has gone hard left in the Senate and I have my reservations that he would do the same today.