Friday, December 31, 2010

DUI - Do you feel your state DUI laws are too stiff?

John Del Santo

Unfortunately all of the laws passed in the world about DUI or DWI don't make a difference because those people just keep driving, and most of them keep driving and drinking. DUI is DOWN amongst younger drivers because of the different programs like MADD, and that is good. I don't care if someone gets drunk in their living room every night and blows a .08 or a .10 or a long as they stay the hell away from a vehicle. Once they get in or on a vehicle, then it is my danger and my concern. For some reason the judges do not take alcohol and driving seriously. Someone wrote yesterday that "no one that they know is "drunk" at a .08. Not "drunk" but certainly "impaired". Maybe they are not at the point where they wear a funny hat and fall off the bar stool, but the first think to go, at .08, is someones Judgement.....and the first thing that the poor judgement tells them is "Hey..I'm ok to drive, or ride"*/
About twenty years ago a law was passed that anyone driving or flying commercially was considered DUI at .04, while they were on duty. We truckers really thought that was ridiculous and bigoted. Then one of the trucking magazines did a series of tests on two truck drivers, trying to prove that the law was bad. They tested both drivers for skill and timing. then They gave each driver drinks until they were blowing a .04 and then gave them skill and timing tests again. . The one driver showed that his reaction time was 35 percent slower and the other drivers reaction time was 50 percent slower. So what they were trying to prove, the opposite results came out.
Using the equation "speed times 1 1/2 equals feet per second traveled" if someone who is sober is traveling at 40 MPH, and an emergency occurs, they will travel THIRTY FEET during reaction time before their foot ever touches the brake pedal. If the .04 alcohol increases their reaction by fifty percent, they will now travel FORTY FIVE FEET during their reaction time before they get to the brake pedal. That could make the difference between missing that motorcycle in front of them by ten feet.......or running over them by five feet. And if it is ME or YOU on that motorcycle, That Matters !

Do you feel your state DUI laws are too stiff?
We have been told that punishment in many other countries is much stiffer. Here is an unofficial list...
Australia The names of the drivers are sent to the local newspapers and are printed under the heading, "He's drunk and in jail."
Malasya The driver is jailed; if he's married, his wife is jailed too.
South Africa A 10 year prison sentence or the equivalent of a $10,000 fine or both.
Turkey Drunk drivers are taken 20 miles from town by the police and forced to walk back under escort
Norway Three weeks in jail at hard labor, one year loss of license. If the driver commits a second offense within five years, his license is revoked for life.
Finland Driver is automatically jailed for one year at hard labor.
Sweden Driver is automatically jailed for one year at hard labor.
Costa Rica Police remove plates from the offender's vehicle.
Russia License revoked for life.
England One year license suspension, a $250.00 fine and jail for one year.
France Drivers are punished with a three year loss of license, one year in jail, and a $1,000 fine.
Poland Jailed and fined and forced to attend political lectures.
Bulgaria A second conviction results in execution
El Salvador Your first offense is your last, as punishment is execution by firing squad.

John Del Santo