Thursday, December 30, 2010

Canada - Whynott to make court appearance this afternoon

Harry Sullivan

TRURO - A Truro Heights man charged as an accessory in the death of outlaw biker Randy Mersereau is to make a court appearance this afternoon.
Dean David Whynott, 44, of 541 Truro Heights Rd., is to appear in provincial court in Truro to set a date for a preliminary hearing. He is charged with knowing Jeffrey Albert Lynds murdered Mersereau and that between Oct. 29 and Nov. 5, 1999, he helped Lynds escape custody.
Whynott is the former owner of an Onslow Mountain house that underwent an extensive police search in October and where it is alleged that Mersereau was murdered.
A CBC television report has alleged that Whynott helped bury Mersereau’s body after he was shot by Jeff Lynds.
He is scheduled to appear in court at 1:30 today.