Wednesday, December 1, 2010

California, Recent Motorcycle Crash Puts Focus on Safety

OFF THE WIRE Motorcycle Crash Puts Focus on Safety On behalf of Bender & Gritz, APLC posted in Motorcycle Accidents on Monday, November 29, 2010
The recent motorcycle accident that killed four bikers and a passenger in one car about two weeks ago has prompted the California Department of Motor Vehicles to remind all motor vehicle operators to keep basic safety considerations in mind this holiday season.
The roads tend to get busier this time of year, and as a result, the opportunities for accidents increase as well. In order to prevent accidents the DMV recommends that all drivers, including motorcyclists, try to keep a minimum of two seconds distance between themselves and any other vehicle. While the actual vehicle code only requires that drivers keep a distance that is not closer than is "reasonable or prudent," two to three seconds is a good guideline to keep in mind.
When it comes to motorcycle riding, experts suggest a minimum of three seconds distance in order to allow riders to see hazards and react in time to avoid collisions or accidents. However, it's important to understand that, even if you follow all the rules, riding a motorcycle can still be a dangerous activity.
According to reports, the cyclists involved in the fatal auto accidents in Imperial County two weeks ago were riding in proper formation and doing all they could to avoid a collision. In that case, the motorcyclists were riding in a staggered formation with the rear tire of one cycle nearly even and to the side of the next cycle's front tire. This formation is designed to allow the cyclists more visibility than riding single file and allows oncoming traffic to more clearly identify the approaching motorcycles.
As of last reporting, the driver of the Gold Honda Civic believed to have caused the Accident in Imperial County has still not been found.