Thursday, December 30, 2010

CALIFORNIA - New Motorcycle Law Revs Up Controversy...

Sherri Palmeri

SAN DIEGO - New motorcycles that are excessively loud will become a thing of the past in California.
A new state law will soon regulate the exhaust systems of motorcycles.
The law changes how the state will regulate motorcycle exhaust systems.
It requires street bikes built on, or after January 1, 2013, to carry a stamp certifying it meets federal sound limits.
"Since I live right off of Balboa Avenue, they (motorcycles) wake me up constantly," said Tina Fago, who favors the new law.
But most bikers are not happy about the law.
Myke Shelby, owner of San Diego Harley Davidson, said consumers will end up having to pay more for motorcycles they buy in California, than riders living in other states.
Shelby said bikers will simply buy and register their bikes elsewhere, and California business owners like him, will lose out.
Violators will face fines of up to $100 for a first offense, or $200 for subsequent offenses.
It will be considered a secondary offense, meaning a police officer can't stop a biker just because an officer believes the motorcyclist is breaking the sound emissions law.
The new law could map a path for the rest of the country, as other state and local lawmakers look for their own answers to address excessive motorcycle sound.