Saturday, December 25, 2010

Australia - Bikie sign a hoax: owners


Yendon bikie sign a hoax: property owners
A SIGN on a property heralding the arrival of an outlaw motorcycle gang outside Ballarat is a hoax, its owners said.
The owners of the Yendon property contacted The Courier yesterday, saying they had no idea about the sign fastened to an unused gate of the block.
They said they only moved in recently and had not seen the sign. They removed it yesterday after being made aware of its existence, but had no idea who was responsible for putting it there.
The hand-written sign stated The Finks, a rebel motorcycle gang from South Australia, would soon be setting up a club house and training centre on the bush block.
The couple said they had not received any notification of the sign from Moorabool Shire Council, despite chief executive officer Rob Croxford saying on Wednesday they had sent the land owner a letter.
They have also informed police the sign was a hoax, after Ballarat police Superintendent Andrew Allen said police were keeping a “watching brief” on the matter.
“We’ll make some inquiries and continue to make those with the owner of the property,” he said yesterday.