Thursday, December 2, 2010

Arkansas: Invite to give opinion about reinstating helmet law

'Today's THV at Noon': Motorcycle helmet law Lindsey Tugman 19 hrs ago Read Comments (56)Recommend (2)Print Larger Smaller Share Today in the C-block we're talking about the potential reinstatement of Arkansas' helmet law, a law requires all motorcycle riders and passengers to wear helmets.
The law was repealed several years ago, but the National Transportation Safety Board wants all 50 states to have the law with a monetary benefit. Arkansas got $10 million to enact the seat belt law.
Currently there are 20 states that require all motorcycle riders wear helmets, 27 states including Arkansas require them for minors, and three states without any helmet laws.
We want to know what you think, should the state pass a mandatory helmet law or all rides or is this something that should be voluntary?
Should the government give money to states who comply with their recommendation?
Send us your thoughts to .