Friday, November 26, 2010


Law enforcement officers from across the country gather each year at a
heavily guarded secret location for annual training on “combating
biker gangs”:
As quoted directly from promotional material for the course: “Outlaw
Motorcycle Gang Investigations: From the Inside - Combating Biker
Gangs, from the International Association of Undercover Officers: A
five day (36 hour) training program for law enforcement officers,
prosecutors, corrections personnel and criminal analysts addressing
the problems and pitfalls of investigations of Outlaw Motorcycle
Gangs. The instructors, have managed, supervised or directly
participated in investigations of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs throughout
the United States. The investigative techniques they used will be
presented. Also, the many pitfalls and mistakes they made will be
graphically demonstrated. Due to the sensitive nature of the training
program and threats of physical harm to some of the speakers, the
exact location of the training program will only be revealed to those
who register. Special security will be maintained and only certified
law enforcement officers with proper identification will be admitted.”
As one of America’s foremost authorities on biker discrimination,
Minnesota Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) attorney Steven
O’Brien, who also serves as legal counsel to the Confederation of
Clubs of Minnesota and ABATE of Minnesota, applied for the course last
year but was denied admittance with the written admonishment that he
would be better suited to attend the NCOM Convention. O’Brien was
instrumental in getting the nation’s first and only biker
anti-discrimination law on the books in Minnesota, and then was
successful in getting the new law upheld by the courts when an ABATE
member was denied service at a bar.
For like-minded bikers concerned with preserving Freedom of the Road,
QUOTABLE QUOTE: “The story of America's quest for freedom is inscribed
on her history in the blood of her patriots.”
Randy Vader, American author