Friday, November 26, 2010

There ARE NO FORMER MARINES.... once a Marine, always a MARINE!! :*)


There ARE NO FORMER MARINES.... once a Marine, always a MARINE!! :*)

And on that note, here's wishing you all a Happy Healthy Blessed Thanksgiving!

Although these difficult economic times test our endurance, our stress, our patronage to our country; we still have much to be thankful for!

We are all above ground and breathing, and able to take in sustenance.... we can all call, connect with our loved ones when we wish; we can still get on our bikes and ride them, albeit in most areas of the country it IS getting a bit chilly; we can still have the ability to choose our professions, our food and drink, our motorcycles, and in most cases where we wish to ride.

So on this day of giving THANKS for all we have, keep those thoughts in mind; and yet of course, keep those in mind who are not able to share this day with us!
