Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Porterville Ca,City Police Department receives $60K grant


Extra officers will be on duty, patrolling areas frequented by motorcycles and “cracking down on traffic violations” made by motorcyclists and car drivers.

http://www.recorderonline.com/news/grant-46965-department-traffic.htmlCity Police Department receives $60K grant Will allow for replacement of equipment October 29, 2010 10:00 AM THE RECORDER THE PORTERVILLE RECORDER The Porterville Police Department is expanding its regular traffic enforcement with special operations, with the help of a recently awarded $60,000 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety.
The Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) grant will fund the replacement of three aging Lidar (Laser Detection and Ranging speed gun) units, improvements to the Department’s DUI trailer and equipment and for overtime pay to conduct special enforcement activities.
These activities will specifically target motorcycle safety, DUI offenders, drivers with suspended or revoked licenses, illegal street racing, red light running and seat belt violations.
According to the Porterville Police Department, this will be accomplished through the use of DUI and drivers license checkpoints, special enforcement operations and court stings where drunken driver offenders with suspended or revoked driver licenses get behind the wheel after leaving court.
Police officers will be conducting these specialized enforcement efforts throughout the course of the next year. Extra officers will be on duty, patrolling areas frequented by motorcycles and “cracking down on traffic violations” made by motorcyclists and car drivers.
“The mission of our traffic division is to save lives and to maintain the safe flow of traffic on our city streets,” Police Capt. Chris Dempsie said in a statement. “DUI and other unsafe drivers put the entire community at risk. We feel the funding provided by this grant will assist our department in targeting such violators as well as educating the community regarding safe driving practices.”