Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pain Relief Network - Feds Persecuting Activists

From Jan
Activists will want to watch the ongoing news for any happenings related to Siobhan Reynolds and the Pain Relief Network.

A federal prosecutor and the 10th circuit tried to put a gag order on an activist (Reynolds) to silence her activism. They even got the courts to put her amicus curiae brief off-limits, even to her. A judge did not go along with a gag order, so the prosecutor subpoena'd hundreds of documents. This is clearly retaliatory in order to stop activists from putting the federal court system in bad light. A judge went along with the extremely unreasonable retaliatory subpoena. This rots of Implications of wrongful use of grand jury powers.

So, keep an eye on whether or not the Supreme Court takes the case, because these shenanigans by the so-called justice system represent a threat to activism.

Some of the stories:




Here's a general Google search for other stories using keywords
Pain Relief Network Siobhan