Friday, November 26, 2010

OR- State looks to allow motorcyclists to 'lane-split' in slow traffic

From: "gill"
> State looks to allow motorcyclists to ‘lane-split’ in slow traffic
> By Anita Kissée KATU News and Staff
> Story Published: Nov 17, 2010 at 1:18 AM PST
> PORTLAND, Ore. - It’s against the law in Oregon for motorcyclists to
> ride between cars during freeway rush-hour traffic but that could change
> if Oregon follows the lead of other states.
> California and a few other states allow motorcyclists to ride between
> cars that are slow or stopped and going the same direction. It’s called
> lane-sharing, lane-splitting or white-lining.
> Supporters say such a law could improve congestion and even rider
> safety.
> Arun Sharma has logged thousands of miles on a motorcycle – many in
> California – and said he likes the prospect of riding through stopped or
> slowed cars.
> “There’s actually, a lot of space between those two vehicles,” he said.
> “And again, it doesn’t hurt that the awareness of those drivers is
> present so that as you come (through traffic) you’ll literally see the
> seas parting.”
Riders say in bumper-to-bumper traffic, it can keep them from getting
> But drivers argue it’s startling and say they are afraid motorcyclists
> won’t have time to react if cars change lanes.
> Sharma said he got used to lane-sharing and said drivers will too.
> “In the state of Oregon, especially where you have that seasonality, it would be great because driver-awareness of motorcycles could be greatly
> increased,” he said.
> Lane-splitting is not allowed on shoulders or bike lanes, and the
> California DMV warns of the risks.
> The Governor’s Motorcycle Safety Committee will be talking about the
> issue at 6:30 p.m. Friday at Kaiser Town Hall ballroom, 3704 N.
> Interstate. ODOT will likely do a survey on the issue as well.
> Literature Review
> Oregon Department of Transportation>
> June 2010>
> PDF 27 pages:
> haring.pdf?ga=t