Monday, November 1, 2010

NBC News scrutinizes Allen West's ties to Outlaws motorcycle club

First some Alpha Biker commentary... this article references a previous article posted a few hours before this... the video is in that article... we are not going to repost it a-fuckin'-gain. Now... somebody deserves the "Big Hairy Middle Finger" here... but there are so many potential recipients... and frankly anyone mentioned in this article probably deserves at least two... we are going to just give one BHMF to anyone even remotely associated with this article.

Now on a positve note... check out halfway through the article the reference to "oral relief stations"... now that's poetry right there... we will see if we can have one of our brothers work that into a song.


By Anthony Man

The Friday report generated a flurry of reaction and counter-reaction from both sides.

The West campaign alleged NBC particpated in a "political hatchet job by the liberal mainstream media."

And the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, on behalf of incumbent Congressman Ron Klein, sought to use the report to tarnish West.

Details below:

From West campaign manager Josh Grodin:

In what can only be described as a political hatchet job by the liberal mainstream media, NBC News - through reporter Lisa Myers - made an outrageous claim that LTC(R) Allen West condones criminal activity. Myers clearly has an agenda to try and stop good people like Allen who oppose the far left policies that are wreaking havoc upon our country.

It should not come as a surprise to the good people of South Florida that incumbent Ron Klein and his cronies in the Democratic Party are playing dirty tricks to destroy the character of a man who served 22 years in the US Army. Just like when they sent LTC(R) West's social security number to tens of thousands of Florida residents, this is another desperate move for a politician who sees his power slipping away.

Let me be perfectly clear, Allen West has absolutely no ties to the outlaw bikers club - an organization with a history of criminal activity, as well as racism against African Americans.

But I want to know - When will Congressman Klein, the Democratic Party and their cheerleaders at NBC & MSNBC start talking about their records? When will they "drain the swamp" of Members with multiple ethics charges? This is supposed to be the People's House. They accuse Allen West of hanging around with criminals, yet Congressman Klein is making the rounds in the District with impeached Federal Judge, Alcee Hastings.

In just over 2 weeks, the voters in Congressional District 22 will have the opportunity to tell these politicians that enough is enough - you will not earn their votes by denigrating American veterans. For the civilized voters in Congressional District 22, November 2nd cannot get here soon enough.

From the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee:

Allen West Scheduled to Attend Biker Rally [Saturday] Group that Denigrates Women & Motorcycle Gang Called “Organized Crime” Also Expected to Attend

One day following news that Allen West (FL-22) is tied to the infamous motorcycle gang the Outlaws – which has been described as “organized crime” – West is scheduled to appear at a Wheels on the Road biker rally at 7 p.m. [Saturday] in Pompano Beach, FL.

Allen West is a monthly contributor to “Wheels on the Road,” a south Florida motorcycle magazine that frequently promotes the Outlaws and denigrates women. The Justice Department has said that the Outlaws produce and distribute methamphetamine, and engage in other criminal activities including arson, homicide, and prostitution.

Monday, West received national press attention when Republican Leader John Boehner campaigned with him in South Florida. West is supported by Republican leaders Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Republican Whip Eric Cantor, NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan, Mike Pence, and Darrell Issa to name just a few.


Allen West is a monthly contributor to Wheels on the Road, a monthly motorcycle print and online magazine that promotes the Outlaws motorcycle gang and denigrates women. [Wheels on the Road website, accessed 10/15/10]

Articles in “Wheels on the Road” promote violence against women and referred to women as “oral relief stations.”

• From the October 2010 issue of Wheels on the Road, “Here are some of the things I have to deal with: Chicks telling me their knees hurt. Well you are an oral relief station on Nastopia and you should be happy only when your knees hurt. No get that red lipstick on and get back to being the best oral relief station on the block.” [Wheels on the Road, 10/1/10; Wheels on the Road website, accessed 10/15/10]

• From the October 2008 issue of Wheels on the Road, a contributor described women existing “to serve man.” He suggests that women wear “slave chokers” as accessories. [Wheels on the Road, 10/08]

• From the April 2010 issue of Wheels on the Road a contributor wrote: a 19 year old naked woman comes to his house wearing a sign that reads “If you catch me, you can have me.” He wrote, “Well before she could take a breath, I am off and running after her hot little ass. That naked little 19 year old only got 50 yards before I caught her and tackled her to the ground … Well I threw that hot little bitch over my shoulder and gave her a nice little spank on the butt, as I took her over to Club Nastopia to serve all my needs and desires for eternity. ..Me got naked 19 year old tied to brass pole!!!” [Wheels on the Road, 4/10]

West is scheduled to appear at a “Wheels on the Road” rally at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow in Pompano Beach, FL. [Wheels on the Road rally invitation, accessed 10/15/10]


• Tonight, NBC News’ Lisa Myers reported that Allen West (FL-22) has ties to an infamous motorcycle gang, the Outlaws. [NBC, 10/15/10]

• The Justice Department has said that the Outlaws produce and distribute methamphetamine, and engage in other criminal activities including arson, homicide, and prostitution. [Justice Department, National Gang Threat Assessment 2009, Published January 2009, accessed 9/13/10]

• Yves Lavigne, author of “Hells Angels at War” was interviewed for the History Channel’s Gangland. Lavigne said, “The Outlaws consider women as an object to be used to make money. I mean she might be the guy’s girlfriend, she might be the guy’s wife, but he’s making her do 10, 20, 30 guys a night because it provides income for him.”

Ron Klein-Allen West race for Congress: complete coverage

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Update, 3:08 p.m. The DCCC is trying to fuel the story. Its latest statement:

FACT CHECK: Republican Allen West (FL-22) Lies About Ties to Motorcycle Gang

In a statement issued this morning, Republican congressional candidate Allen West’s campaign lied about his associations with a motorcycle gang called the Outlaws, which the West campaign itself admits is an “organization with a history of criminal activity.” [West Campaign Statement, 9/16/10]

LIE: Allen West Denies Ties to the Outlaws.

West’s campaign said, "Let me be perfectly clear, Allen West has absolutely no ties to the outlaw bikers club - an organization with a history of criminal activity, as well as racism against African Americans." [West Campaign Statement, 9/16/10]

FACT: Allen West Has Been Guarded by the Outlaws, Personally Wrote E-mails Defending the Outlaws.

Allen West was confronted by NBC News’ Lisa Myers with emails he personally wrote. When the Outlaws were referred to as criminals, Allen West wrote back “please no more references to ‘criminal’ … I was never more amazed by how members of the Outlaws guarded me.” [NBC News, 10/15/10]

FACT: Allen West Was Photographed with Members of Clubs that Brag About Being Tied to the Outlaws.

“In August, he was photographed here. Speaking at a constitutional rights rally sponsored by clubs which brag that they are affiliated with the Outlaws.” [NBC News, 10/15/10]

FACT: Allen West Writes Monthly Column for a Biker Magazine that Advocates for Outlaws in Prison for Violent Crimes.

Allen West is a monthly contributor to a biker magazine that regularly advertises Outlaw events and advocates for Outlaws currently in prison for violent crimes. [Wheels on the Road Magazine list of contributors]


• The Justice Department has said that the Outlaws produce and distribute methamphetamine, and engage in other criminal activities including arson, homicide, and prostitution. [Justice Department, National Gang Threat Assessment 2009]

• Yves Lavigne, author of “Hells Angels at War” was interviewed for the History Channel’s Gangland. Lavigne said, “The Outlaws consider women as an object to be used to make money. I mean she might be the guy’s girlfriend, she might be the guy’s wife, but he’s making her do 10, 20, 30 guys a night because it provides income for him.” [History Channel’s “Gangland”, Season 2, Episode 3 “Biker Wars”]

original article