Friday, November 26, 2010

Introducing Preacher Chuck D's Alpha Biker Road Rash

Preacher Chuck D's Alpha Biker Road Rash is now officially on the books.

After many requests from fans, friends, and even family, we are making a strong effort to showcase the independent stories and commentary of Preacher Chuck D. Years ago when this concept of Alpha Biker dot Com was crafted, the site was simply a collection of information, now called the link library, and a small set of stories written by Preacher Chuck D. This has evolved into The Daily Rider, Link Library, Known Associate Network, and now... Preacher Chuck D's Alpha Biker Road Rash.

This concept of Road Rash, we feel, accurately portrays what you will see and read in this section of our website. Time on the road does leave it's scars, some visible, some not so much. Preacher Chuck D's "scars" are now captured, and even celebrated, in "Road Rash".

Take a read and tell us what you think!

~ Preacher Chuck D.