Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How to obtain a CCW permit, San Diego,Ca

How to obtain a CCW permit
Step 1: A licensing employee will conduct a pre-interview to determine if there is enough standing to go forward with a formal application.
Step 2: Turn in an application at the Sheriff’s Department headquarters in person and submit to a second interview.
• Applicants must provide two current utility bills (or similar documents) proving residency; three character reference letters written by local residents, excluding family members; valid California identification; and proof that they’ve completed the firearms course.
• A nonrefundable application fee of $107.63 for a standard two-year license will be collected.
• Applicant will be fingerprinted and photographed.
Step 3: Applicant will qualify with a firearm at the sheriff’s shooting range.
Step 4: A background investigation will be conducted. It includes a home visit, calls to references, a review of documents and checks of criminal records. This usually takes about 90 days.
Step 5: If approved, an additional $50.51 will be collected. If denied, an appeals process is possible at the assistant sheriff level.
You obtained a CCW permit. Now what?
• A CCW permit from San Diego County is good throughout California (unless a specific restriction is issued). Many other states, including Texas and Utah, honor California CCWs.
• Licensees can carry loaded, concealed weapons in a vehicle, purse or on their body.
• A standard CCW permit must be renewed every two years.
• If a licensee commits a crime or misuses the CCW permit, it can be revoked.
Open carry laws
• In counties with populations of less than 200,000, police chiefs or sheriffs may issue permits to carry loaded firearms as long as they aren’t concealed.
• In larger counties, firearms carried in visible holsters must be unloaded. No permit is required.
Sources: San Diego County Sheriff’s Department;
California Department of Justice