Saturday, November 27, 2010

Co-Sponsor H.R. 1475 Good Time Bill

Targeting: The President of the United States, The U.S. Senate, and The U.S. House of Representatives
Started by: Jonathan Black
Good Time Allowances: H.R.1475 - `Federal Prison Work Incentive Act of 2009' H.R. 1475 - `Federal Prison Work Incentive Act of 2009' - 'A bill To amend title 18, United States Code, to restore the former system of good time allowances toward service of Federal prison terms, and for other purposes. Status: Submitted by Rep. Danny K. Davis (D. ILL) on 12 March 2009.
Action Alert: Do your part. Contact your Congressperson(s) and urge them to support this bill

HR 1475 Federal Work Incentive Act Of 2009
Dear Representative

I am asking you to please cosponsor the H.R.1475 ~ Federal Prison Work Incentive Act of 2009 which would amend title 18, United States Code, to restore the former system of good time allowances toward service of Federal prison terms, and for other purposes.
The current prison system is obviously ineffective. It is also a burden to taxpayers who are footing the bill for more prisons. The "cuff em and stuff em" attitude is not working.
Our economic crisis is due in part to the state of our judicial system where so many first time non violent offenders are given Draconian sentences and no means to redeem themselves. Once in the prison system, they have no reason to desire rehabilitation or work towards early release.
Americans want to see results, not stiffer sentences. We can change they way the judicial system enforces punishment and how inmates serve their time in a way that would benefit both the inmate and society. The Federal Prison Work Incentive Act of 2009 would benefit the following:
Increased good time will save the US taxpayers a minimum of $2 billion per year by taking offenders out of the prison system earlier.
Good Time reduces inmate populations considerably. Currently, the BOP is approaching 40% over capacity.
Good Time rewards those inmates who have shown positive behavior.
Although early release would not be guaranteed, it would allow a 2nd chance to those who prove they are deserving of another chance.
The cost to house an inmate for 12 months is conservatively $40,000. Costs nearly double for inmates with medical issues and costs rise significantly for all inmates over age 60.
Inmates do not receive the same health care and lengthy non-parolable sentences cause medical emergencies for those in facilities and huge indigent health care costs upon release.
The BOP would need to hire over 13,000 staff members to meet the inmate to staff ratio of 10 years ago.
Building additional bed space in prisons will not resolve the systemic issues of the prison system.
The BOP is going to triple bunking because of lack of bed space, which heightens tensions and makes it more dangerous for both staff and inmates.

Since inmates "earned" the right to be in prison, why can't they also "earn" the right to be out?
The Federal Prison Work Incentive Act of 2009 would greatly contribute to the healing of our economy and the healing of our nation. There are over 203,000 federal inmates incarcerated today and the majority of these are first time non violent offenders. Once again, please co-sponsor HR 1475 Federal Work Incentive Act Of 2009.
Thank you for your time and consideration.