Monday, November 1, 2010

Call to Action

Thousands of American Bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts are discriminated against by business establishments and communities across the United States simply because they ride a motorcycle. We lack protective legislation which describes bikers/motorcyclists civil and constitutional rights leaving the American Biker subject to unjust biases and social stigmas as well as aggressive harassment by police agencies.

More and more communities are passing restrictive laws against motorcycle riders as a way to bring in more money through unjust and improper fines. MC's and RC's as entire organizations are unjustly targeted for the acts of one or two members and "bikers welcome" establishments suffer unfair scrutiny by local politicians who promote the discrimination of bikers in "grandstanding" efforts to garner support from their uninformed constituents..

B.A.D. will challenge the stereotype created by the "system" which does not recognize individual character and merit, and instead chooses to classify bikers in the category of criminal gangs!