Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bikers don't get older, just have more sex!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bikers don't get older, just have more sex
Written by Digits | |

Older single bikers are putting down more miles than their married
counterparts, if you know what we mean.

Although the study wasn’t specifically aimed at motorcycle
enthusiasts, with a large part of riding demographics firmly in the
age bracket surveyed, the study can make riders look at each other in
a slightly different light.

Aside from older riders having more sex than may be generally
considered, the study also found that they are electing ride the
intimate road without any safety gear.

Results from the an AARP sex survey, Sex, Romance, and Relationships:
AARP Survey of Midlife and Older Adults, showed a low use of
protection among sexually active dating singles with only one in five
reporting use of condoms regularly.

While reassurances of age and experience may lead many to excuse the
safer route and the study found rates of sexually transmitted diseases
are not high, they are not absent either.

"Older Americans are staying sexually active, showing that you don't
have to be young to have a great sex life," says AARP's Love &
Relationships Ambassador, Dr. Pepper Schwartz. "What is worrisome is
that aging Americans are endangering their health by not practicing
safe sex so reinforcing that the use of protection is important at any
age is critical."

And the married couples at motorcycle rallies around the country may
be enjoying the events, but it’s the single bikers that are enjoying
the sex.

In a broad sense anyway.

The study contradicted popular opinion with singles age 45+ show a
higher satisfaction rate and have more sex than married couples in the
same age group.

Buy some stereotypes rang true in the AARP study, such as which sex
made sex a priority.

Men think about sex more than women (Men are more than five times as
likely as women with 45% vs. 8% to say they think of sex once or more
every day; men also rank sex higher on the list of what makes for a
high quality of life.
Men have sex more often, more men than women have partners, and single
men without partners are less satisfied with their sex lives than
women in the same situation. (27% versus 19%).
Where did these numbers come from? On behalf of AARP, Knowledge
Networks surveyed 1,670 adults ages 45 and older in August of 2009 via
a telephone recruited online panel. The survey was administered in
both English and Spanish, and included an over-sample of 500
Hispanics, for a total of 630 Hispanic respondents.

And while the numbers may fall to the favor of the single rider, or
lone wolf, the study found it wasn’t by much especially considering
the number of people surveyed. While 48% of single respondents had sex
at least once a week, 36% of married couples managed to get together
as well with the same regularity.

With motorcycle enthusiasts understanding many things in life are more
about quality than quantity, the numbers were fairly close in this
category as well. Sixty percent of those in the single world reported
satisfaction with their sex lives while fifty-two percent of married
couples were also happy with where they stood, or laid as the case may

And if any correlation needed to be drawn between the AARP study and
motorcycle enthusiasts, the final conclusion seems to draw a pretty
solid line. Just as with riding, the largest predictor of sexual
satisfaction is the number of times, or the frequency a respondent
gets in the saddle. The number of people who consider themselves
satisfied rockets to 84% if they ‘ride’ more than once a week while
the number falls to 59% for those who only ‘hit the road’ twice a