Monday, October 4, 2010

watch your butts around stop signs in parks

Stop-sign cameras catch Calif. drivers off guard

just a couple of paragraghs from the article:

A lawsuit seeking class-action status on behalf of several ticketed drivers contends the stop-sign cameras conflict with the state vehicle code, which require that automated enforcement systems provide a clear photograph of a vehicle's license plate and the offending driver.

The cameras operated by Redflex Traffic Systems are activated when a sensor in the road detects a vehicle moving faster than 7 mph approaches a stop. The camera captures the rear license plate of cars that blow through a stop and an administrative ticket is issued to registered car owner.

Still, stung drivers say they would have avoided repeated citations if they had been caught by an officer instead of a machine.

"I did break a law but I don't think I did anything unsafe," Wilson said. "If you get pulled over by a cop you get shaken and say 'I'm not going to do this again.' I had no warning between each one."