Tuesday, October 5, 2010

WA Trooper Pigott unlawful order to remove helmet, arrest, now a civil lawsuit.

This video shows Washington Trooper Pigott opening what turns into a huge can of worms. Thanks to James Wege for standing up for his constitutional rights rather than be bullied by law enforcement officers trampling all over the Bill of Rights.
Washington state trooper Keith Pigott demanded motorcyclist James Wege remove his helmet or be arrested for ...."something". Wege did not comply with the unlawful order and was immediately arrested. He was cleared after facing numerous ordeals including seizure of his motorcycle.

Now, it is Trooper Pigott who is in the hot seat. Wege has filed a civil lawsuit in Superior Court against not only Trooper Pigott, but also his wife (marital community property), the state of Washington, and the Washington Highway Patrol.

The civil complaint document is on file at the BOLT Library at http://boltusa.org/library/images/a/a2/42_1983_case.doc

Biker Basics 101, a highly inflammatory and derogatory document which WA highway patrol is "supposed to be" enjoined from using, and the injunction order is also in the BOLT Library at http://boltusa.org/library/images/b/bf/WSP_Biker101_orders.pdf