Friday, October 1, 2010

Voting Advisory


As election day approaches, there is one San Diego race that stands out from the rest as being the most important one to local motorcyclists. This race is for Assembly District 78, which stretches from Chula Vista thru Lemon Grove and up to Santee (click here for district map).

This particular race is critical for three reasons:

1. Current Assembly member Marty Block is bad news for bikers. He voted for SB435, and he firmly supports keeping the mandatory helmet law.

2. Challenger Rick Powell is solidly on our side. He's a combat vet and Harley rider, opposes the nanny state, and firmly supports adult choice on helmets.

3. This race is the closest contest in the SD area. Rick' side pulled in 47% of the primary votes cast, while Block got 53%. This is a VERY winnable race.

We can help tip the balance. The greatest need is for people to deliver literature to a list of home addresses. There is no door-knocking ... just drop off the pamphlets and go to the next address. Colonel Powell needs as many volunteers as possible, and he needs them ASAP. Let's put some biker boots on the ground.

To volunteer, please visit to sign up. In the comments section, be sure to let him know you're a motorcyclist. Also: If anyone can help those bikers who are already delivering campaign yard signs, just email me at (with your zip code if you haven't already). More yard signs will probably start going in next week.

John Del Santo
( 619 ) 223-0421