Sunday, October 31, 2010

THE top two leaders of bikie gang Notorious will remain in custody following a bloody brawl at Bondi yesterday.

Notorious boss Allan Sarkis and his second-in-charge Sofe Levi appeared in Waverley Local Court this morning charged with affray after the fight on Campbell Parade.

The two were both given a suspended sentence earlier this month following a brawl outside a Kings Cross nightclub in September 2009.

Mr Sarkis's solicitor Stephen Alexander made a detailed application for strict conditional bail on behalf of his client, which was to include a night-time curfew, surrendering his passport and daily reporting to police.

Mr Alexander said the actions of his client during the brawl with another man linked to the Comanchero gang were "in self-defence''.

It will be alleged by police that Mr Sarkis and Mr Levi set upon the man yesterday afternoon and that "a number of kicks and punches were thrown.'

The pair were arrested a short time later on nearby Oxford Street and charged at Waverley police station

The 32-year-old Comanchero member suffered a broken ankle in the fight and is recovering at St Vincent's Hospital.

A 26-year-old man who was with him at the time of the brawl was not injured and fled before police arrived on scene.

Magistrate Jacqueline Milledge refused bail for "the welfare of the community'', taking into the account the fact Mr Sarkis had been on a suspended sentence for less than a month.

In light of her decision on Mr Sarkis, Mr Levi did not make a formal application for bail and both men will remain in custody before they face Central Local Court on November 4.

The wives and young children of both men were inside court for the matter.

There was a strong police presence at Waverley Court, including members of the riot squad, with all court-goers required to undergo body scans and bag searches.