Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Title 23 on the Grants

It is pretty uncanny how the govt machine works. Instead of direct lobbying, the system of grants continues the coersive nature of the DOT and NHTSA. Ironic how much of what is described here is the declared purpose of the MRO's?!


§ 153. Use of safety belts and motorcycle helmets
(a) A
may make grants to a State in a fiscal
year in accordance with this section if the State
has in effect in such fiscal year—
(1) a law which makes unlawful throughout
the State the operation of a motorcycle if any
individual on the motorcycle is not wearing a
motorcycle helmet; and
(2) a law which makes unlawful throughout
the State the operation of a passenger vehicle
whenever an individual in a front seat of the
vehicle (other than a child who is secured in a
child restraint system) does not have a safety
belt properly fastened about the individual’s
(b) USE OF GRANTS.—A grant made to a State
under this section shall be used to adopt and implement
a traffic safety program to carry out
the following purposes:
(1) EDUCATION.—To educate the public about
motorcycle and passenger vehicle safety and
motorcycle helmet, safety belt, and child restraint
system use and to involve public
health education agencies and other related
agencies in these efforts.
(2) TRAINING.—To train law enforcement officers
in the enforcement of State laws described
in subsection (a).